
CryptoVillage’s ( Customized Tourist Tours

CryptoVillage, the hidden gem of the town of Virrat, offers unforgettable experiences for all adventure-seeking tourists. This travel story showcases CryptoVillage’s exclusive Deluxe Tour, where Finnish nature, traditional culture, and the cutting edge of the crypto world merge. The adventure begins as an international guest arrives in CryptoVillage from the other side of the world, ready to experience something authentic and unique.

The journey starts in the tranquility of nature, where the guide introduces the secrets of fishing. The guest, who has never held a fishing rod before, successfully catches their first pike after just a few attempts by the lake. This is only the beginning – as the evening progresses, the warmth of the sauna and the soothing sound of Kitus rapids create the perfect contrast to urban life.

The highlight of the wilderness adventure, however, is the night spent in an authentic lakeside sauna, where the guest enjoys a traditional Finnish sauna experience and a grill under the starry sky, complete with the classic ritual of roasting sausages. When the winter sky is covered in stars, and your breath steams in the cold, it’s a moment you’ll remember for a long time – a moment that deserves to be talked about.

Morning dawns quietly in CryptoVillage, but the experiences are far from over. The tourist gets to explore the local community, which is proud of its roots but open to new ideas and technology. The village’s main streets, schools, and libraries paint a picture of a place where tradition and modern life coexist.

The story is full of surprising twists, such as a spontaneous swim from the beach bar’s diving tower and a drive along the village’s hilly roads. Every encounter with the villagers is warm and welcoming, making the journey truly memorable.

CryptoVillage offers more than just a vacation. It’s an experience that combines the peace of nature, Finnish culture, and modern technology. This tour is perfect for anyone seeking something authentic and different – an unforgettable journey where history and the future meet. This is just one of the many adventures that CryptoVillage has to offer. CryptoVillage (In Finnish, ”KryptoKylä!”) Come and experience it yourself!

Prices from ”Walking-Da-Forest”-Tours (129e) to FullOn-Packet (5000e+)

Aki Ylinen
Chairman/KryptoKeskus ry

KryptoKeskus ry (CryptoCenter of Finland)
Virtaintie 32A
34800 VIRRAT